Massages 2020 in Chamonix: our measures to protect you from Covid

Massage is once again a permitted activity after the easing of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the measures we have taken to protect you.

Layout of the massage room

  • Disinfectable areas and furniture.
  • Use of machine washable towels
  • Provision of a hydroalcoholic gel dispenser and a washbasin equipped with liquid soap and disposable hand towels.

Disinfection of the working environment

Before / after each massage :

  • Disinfection of all affected parts: door handles, undressing chair…
  • Disinfection of the massage table, with special care for the headrest.
  • Prolonged ventilation of the room.
  • Change of all fabric materials.

Every evening :

  • Ventilation and complete cleaning, with disinfectant products: floors, furniture…

Cleaning techniques used

  • For the table and surfaces, we use a disinfectant and virucidal product of medical quality.
  • For floors, we use a black soap product (surfactant) and linseed oil with a bleach additive. The virucidal concentration of bleach is 0.5% active chlorine, i.e. 1 litre of bleach at 2.6% for 4 litres of cold water.
  • Washing clothes at more than 90°, on a long cycle (more than 60 minutes).
  • All waste (wipes, paper towels, handkerchiefs …) and disposable items (blouse, mask, gloves …) are disposed of in a dustbin equipped with a bag, specially and solely intended for this purpose, and emptied daily.

Customer welcome

  • No use of the waiting room
  • We invite our clients to avoid unnecessary touching of objects
    We invite our clients to wash their hands as soon as they enter our office

Wearing of the mask is compulsory for both practitioner and client

  • The masseurs wear a mask of the highest level of protection available, surgical quality or FFP2.
  • We offer a mask to the client, if the client is not equipped with a mask.


  • The practitioner washes his hands and forearms scrupulously, just before the massage, and then just afterwards.
  • The client keeps his or her mask on during the entire massage, including when the face is face down or table hole.
  • We avoid massaging the head and face.

Home massage

Home massage requires the design of a protocol adapted to the situation, transposing the basic recommendations:

  • As a first protection, we do not touch and ask the client to wear a mask as soon as he enters his home.
  • We carry out the gestures that prevent him/her from bringing the virus with us: cleaning of equipment, cleaning of hands, mask and removal of shoes.
  • The massage by itself is carried out under the same conditions.
  • At the end of the massage, cleaning of the equipment before putting it back in its bag or cover, dedicated bag for dirty clothes, change of clothes, cleaning of hands… Disposables are left on the spot, it is the client’s responsibility to put them in his or her dustbin.